was interrupted by the Civil War (1861–1865) in which many young men fought and died. Very quickly the concept caught on and Young Men’s Christian Associations sprang up throughout the far-flung British Empire and in the United States. The objective was to provide male Christian fellowship to keep young men away from the lures of pubs and prostitution. It specialized in helping with employment searches, providing a place of accommodation, and offering Bible study and prayer meetings. It was intended to be a place of refuge for those seeking employment in the commerce and industry of the city. The Young Men’s Christian Association was founded as an evangelical organization by George Williams in 1851 for young men who were migrating into the city of London from the countryside. So it is worth writing more about the YMCA and the cultural and religious background of its physical education programs. Many men over fifty experienced this when they were boys.
But the Y played a big role in naked swimming in the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere. I included information about the YMCA’s swimming program in Frank Answers About Swimming Naked. Many older men say they experienced swimming naked at the YMCA.